Rwanda does not have a long tradition of growing coffee trees, the first attempts at limited production began by German missionaries in the early 20th century. In the 1930s, production gained momentum, but was not matched by the quality of the beans - the product was considered earthy, musty - simply low quality. The development of high-grade coffee cultivation in Rwanda began after the end of the civil war that devastated the country in the 1990s. Small farmers saw coffee as a source of income and began to reconstitute failed farms while improving the quality of the beans. Rwanda's very fertile soils, the presence of hills of volcanic origin and a climate that is extremely stimulating for plant growth, ensure that the trees maintain proper growth and thus yield good quality coffee. Rwandan coffee is unique - delicate and rich in flavor, refreshing. Unfortunately, it can rarely be found in stores throughout Europe.
Ingredients: Arabica 100%
Country of origin: Rwanda
By default, we package the coffee in beans. Upon your request, we can grind the coffee according to the following standards:
1) for traditional brewing (fine fraction)
2) for espresso machines (medium fraction)
3) for French press and pour-over coffee maker (coarse fraction)
Please put information about the coffee grind and its type in the comment to your order.
Price for 1kg: 309.00 PLN