Colombia is the third largest producer and exporter of coffee in the world (after Brazil and Vietnam), reaching 12 million 60-kilogram bags per year. This is due to favorable climatic conditions, good organization and promotion - the very reason why Colombian coffee has a reputation for quality and excellent taste. The coffee plantations are located at the foot of the Andes Mountains, whose three chains trim the country and create a series of microclimates in which the beans ripen at different times. As a result, Colombia's coffee harvest lasts almost the entire year. The most important plantations of the Cordillera Central are: Medelin, Armenia and Mazizales (MAM), and the queen of Colombian coffees is considered to be the one from Medelin - rich, medium acidic and full of flavor. The Eastern Cordillera, on the other hand, boasts equally tasty, though less acidic coffee from the Bogotá area. Colombian coffee has two grades - excelso and supremo, the latter of which differs only in bean size. It is a versatile coffee - it can be roasted anywhere from medium to dark in color, and is excellent in any form - which is why Colombian coffee is most prized by baristas around the world. There is no coffee more balanced in taste than Colombian - sometimes nutty, sometimes with fruity notes, always rich and aromatic.
Ingredients: Arabica 100%
Country of origin: Colombia
By default, we package our coffee in beans. Upon your request, we can grind the coffee according to the following standards:
1) for traditional brewing (fine fraction)
2) for espresso machines (medium fraction)
3) for French press and pour-over coffee maker (coarse fraction)
Please put information about the coffee grind and its type in the comment to your order.
Price for 1kg: PLN 199.00
Four arabicas from several regions of the world with medium roasting and balanced sweetness.