1. Regulations - these Regulations of the Loyalty Card Program, which define the terms and conditions of the Program, including the terms and conditions for the use of discounts and the course of the complaint procedure;
2. Program - loyalty program for customers of the Czas na Têbatê chain of stores, the rules of which are specified in the Regulations;
3. Organizer - PROGRESSIVE sp z o. o. . with headquarters at 5 Sosnowiecka Street, Wrocław (postal code: 52-008), NIP 8992984184, REGON 527610437;
4. Participant - an adult natural person who has been qualified to participate in the Program in accordance with these Regulations;
5. Permanent Customer Card - Czas na Herbatę's Permanent Customer Card entitling the Participant to use the Discounts due to him;
6. Czas na Herbatê Shops - stores of the Czas na Herbatê brand in the territory of the Republic of Poland and selected franchise stores of the Czas na Herbatê brand. An up-to-date list of Czas na Herbatê stores that honor Loyalty Cards can be found at:;
7. Privileges - benefits indicated in the Regulations granted to Participants due to participation in the Program;
8. Discount - 10% discount on teas; 5% discount on the remaining assortment of Time for Tea for purchases made in Time for Tea Stores;
9. Adherence Form - the Loyalty Card Program Adherence Form used to register for the Program, available in hard copy at Czas na Têbatê Shops or in electronic version at (if introduced).

(1) These Regulations set forth the rules of the Czas na Têbatê Loyalty Program (the "Program"), as well as rules of issuing and using of Czas na Têbatê Loyalty Cards (the "Loyalty Cards").
(2) The issuer of the Regular Customer Cards and organizer of the Program is PROGRESSIVE sp z o.o.
with its registered office at ul. Sosnowiecka 5, in Wrocław (postal code: 52-008), NIP 8992984184, REGON 527610437.
(3) The Loyalty Cards will be issued and accepted by the Organizer in Czas na Tepa Shops. An up-to-date list of the Czas na Têbatê Stores that honor Loyalty Cards can be found at:
4 The Terms and Conditions are available at and in Czas na Têbatê Shops in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

(1) In order to join the Program and receive the Regular Customer Card, the Customer should meet the following conditions together:
a) The Customer is an adult natural person,
b) The Customer has made a single purchase of Czas na Tepa goods in the total amount of at least PLN 50.00 in the Czas na Tepa Store, unless the Organizer decides otherwise in the framework of a promotional action and places appropriate information in the regulations of a given promotional action,
c) The Customer has read and accepted these Regulations,
d) The Customer has filled out the application form in the Czas na Têbatê store in a complete and legible manner, and has agreed to the processing of personal data, for purposes related to participation in the
in the Program and has agreed to send commercial information, i.e. information about promotions, products and campaigns of the Czas na Têbatê brand, by means of electronic communication to the e-mail address provided, including the use of telecommunications terminal equipment (computer, telephone, other mobile devices) and automatic calling systems for direct marketing purposes.

(1) The Loyalty Cards will be issued by the associates of the Organizer to customers who make purchases of Czas na Tepa goods in one of the Czas na Tepa Stores after fulfilling the conditions referred to in pt. III.1 above.
(2) Participation in the Program provides the Participant with the Privileges indicated below in the Terms and Conditions.
(3) As part of the Privileges, the Participant is entitled to a Discount upon presentation of the Loyalty Card. The Regular Customer Card is not an electronic payment or monetary instrument, nor is it a payment card.
(4) The Discount cannot be exchanged for cash.
(5) Discount is granted only on the first retail price of Time for Tea goods. The Discount shall not be combined with other promotions or discounts on Time for Tea merchandise in Time for Tea Stores, unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of the respective promotion.
(6) In order to accrue the Discount, you must present your Loyalty Card to the cashier before selecting a form of payment for purchases.
(7) In the case of return of goods for reasons other than those arising from the Law on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), in the purchase of which the customer used the Regular Customer Card, the customer will only receive a refund of the price actually paid.
(8) The Participant is also entitled to participate in special actions, including special promotions, intended exclusively for Program Participants.
(9) Participation in the Program also includes providing the Participant with information about promotions, offers, products of the Czas na Herbatê brand, including special offers, as well as events and marketing actions organized by the Czas na Herbatê brand. The participant will receive the indicated information through the means of communication provided by the participant.
(10) Sending commercial information, including about promotions, offers, products, as well as events and actions organized by Czas na Têbatê brand to the provided e-mail address requires the Participant's consent in accordance with Article 10 of the Act on Rendering Electronic Services.
(11) The use by Czas na Têbatê brand of telecommunication terminal devices (e.g. computer, telephone or other mobile devices) and automatic calling systems for direct marketing purposes using the provided e-mail address, requires the Participant's consent in accordance with Article 172 of the Telecommunications Law.
12. sending to the Participant any commercial information and information sent for direct marketing purposes to the provided e-mail address may take place if the Participant has given both consents referred to in Section 10. and Section 11. above, as to the provided method of communication.
13 The Participant should notify the Organizer of any change in his/her personal or contact information provided in the Loyalty Card Program Accession Form.

The Administrator of the personal data of the Program Participants is PROGRESSIVE sp z o.o.
with registered office at 5 Sosnowiecka Street, Wrocław (postal code: 52-008), NIP 8992984184, REGON 527610437.
(2) The Administrator may be contacted:
(a) by mail, to the address: PROGRESSIVE sp z o.o., 5 Sosnowiecka Street, 52-008 Wrocław;
b) by e-mail, to the address:
(3) The personal data of the Program Participant, provided in the Regular Customer Card Program Accession Form and resulting from his/her activities in the Program, shall be processed on the basis of the consent granted pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) RODO for the purposes of conducting and implementing the Regular Customer Card Program, i.e. for the purposes of:
(a) granting of Discounts;
b) recognition and processing of Participant's complaints;
c) marketing, i.e. for the purpose of providing information about promotions, products, including services, events, actions of the Czas na Tepa brand, including offers specially selected for the Participant (including those available only to Program Participants) through, for example, e-mail, newsletter.
(4) The Participant's personal data provided in the Loyalty Card Program Accession Form and resulting from his/her activities in the Program may also be processed for the purpose of realizing the legitimate interests of the Time for Tea brand on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO, i.e. for:
(a) establishing, investigating and defending against Participant's claims for participation in the Program (e.g., for the Discount) or Program activities;
b) to create compilations, analyses and statistics for the internal needs of the Time for Tea brand, including, in particular, reporting, marketing research, planning the development of the offer, products or network of the Time for Tea brand, development work in the information systems of the Time for Tea brand;
(c) providing network and information security;
d) support the service, including by adjusting it to the needs arising from transactions, complaints, complaints, requests of Participants.
(5) The personal data of the Program Participant is provided voluntarily, although it may be necessary to realize all or some of the rights under the Program. The Participant is not obliged to provide any data, and the provision of such data is not a statutory obligation and can only be done if the Participant agrees and at the Participant's discretion.
The Participant's failure to provide personal data or to express any of the consents specified in the Loyalty Card Program Accession Form shall not result in any negative consequences for the Participant other than the inability to:
(a) benefit from the Program Privileges (Discount);
b) receive information about promotions, products, including services, events, actions, including special offers (including those available only to Program Participants) through, for example, e-mail, newsletter;
c) exercise other rights under the Program, e.g. complaints.
(6) Program Participant's personal data may be shared by PROGRESSIVE:
(a) employees and associates of PROGRESSIVE who need to have access to Participants' data in order to perform PROGRESSIVE's obligations under the Program;
(b) entities that process Participant's personal data on behalf of PROGRESSIVE and participate in the performance of the Program, i.e..:
(i)subcontractors assisting PROGRESSIVE in the operation and execution of the Program, e.g. in the handling of correspondence or in the process of servicing Participants or operating Time for Tea Stores;
(ii)advertising agencies and other entities acting as intermediaries in the sale of Time for Tea branded products or the organization of marketing campaigns;
(iii) entities operating PROGRESSIVE's data communications systems or providing PROGRESSIVE with data communications tools;
(iv) entities providing PROGRESSIVE with consulting, advisory, auditing services or legal, tax, accounting assistance;
(v) research agencies acting on behalf of PROGRESSIVE;
(c) other administrators that are: (i) advertising agencies and entities cooperating in the organization of marketing campaigns or in the conduct and operation of the Program, including the operation of the Czas na Teara Stores - for the purpose of settling the remuneration due to them; (ii) entities conducting postal or courier services.
(7) The personal data of the Program Participant will be kept for the period of participation in the Program (i.e. until the Participant resigns from the Program, the Participant is excluded from the Program, the Program ends). After the expiration of the period indicated above, the Participant's personal data may be kept by the Administrator for the time during which the Participant may assert claims arising from participation in the Program (e.g., discount) or Program activities, i.e., until the statute of limitations for such claims - a maximum of 10 years from the date of termination of participation in the Program or a final court ruling on such claims.
(8) A participant has the right to request:
(a) rectification (correction) of personal data if they are incorrect and completion of personal data if they are incomplete;
(b) deletion of personal data;
(c) restriction of the processing of personal data;
(d) transfer of personal data;
e) access to personal data, including the right to information about the data and the right to obtain a copy of the data.
(9) The Program Participant may revoke at any time any consent to the processing of his/her personal data expressed in the Loyalty Card Program Enrollment Form without giving reasons.
(10) Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the legality of data processing performed on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
(11) The Program Participant has the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
12 The Program Participant has the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data:
(a) when there are reasons related to the Participant's particular situation, and the processing of data is based on the basis of necessity for purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the Administrator, or
b) at any time when the data are processed for direct marketing purposes (i.e., against the provision of information to the Participant about promotions, offers, products, including services, actions and events), whereby once an objection to the processing of data for marketing purposes is raised, the data may no longer be processed for such purposes.
(13) A participant may exercise the rights referred to in Section 8-12 above at any time by making an appropriate request.
(14) The Participant may make the requests referred to in clauses 8-10 and 12 above to the Administrator by submitting a written statement to:
(a) to an Employee of the Salon;
b) by email, to;
c) by mail, to the address: PROGRESSIVE sp z o.o., 5 Sosnowiecka Street, 52-008 Wrocław.
(15) The Administrator shall be obliged to provide the Participant with information about the actions taken in connection with the requests referred to in items 8-10 and 12 above without undue delay, and in any case within one month of receiving the request. If necessary, the period referred to in the preceding sentence may be extended for another two months due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests. Within one month of receipt of the request, the Administrator shall inform the Participant of such extension of the deadline, stating the reasons for the delay.
(16) If the Administrator does not take action on the Participant's request referred to in paragraphs 8-10 and 12 above, the Administrator shall immediately - no later than one month after receiving the request - inform the Participant of the reasons for not taking action and the possibility of filing a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection and taking legal remedies before the Court.
(17) If the Administrator has reasonable doubts about the identity of the Participant, in connection with the request, the Administrator may ask the Participant to provide additional information necessary to confirm it.
(18) The Administrator shall provide the information referred to in Section 15-17 above in writing, at the Administrator's option:
(a) by registered mail to the postal address provided by the Participant;
(b) by electronic mail to the e-mail address provided by the Participant;
except when:
(i) the Participant communicated his/her request electronically and did not request that the Administrator provide the information in any other form, in which case the Administrator shall provide the information to the e-mail address provided by the Participant;
(ii) the Participant requested the Administrator to provide information orally, and the Participant's identity was confirmed by other means, in which case the Administrator shall provide the information orally.
(19) All communications and actions taken by the Administrator in connection with the Participant's requests referred to in paragraphs 8-10 and 12 above shall be free of charge. However, if the invoked requests are manifestly unreasonable or excessive, e.g. due to their continuing nature, the Administrator may: a) charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information, communication or taking the requested action, or, b)refuse to act on the request.
(20) The Administrator shall inform any recipient to whom the Participant's data has been disclosed about the rectification or supplementation or deletion or restriction of the processing of the Participant's personal data that it has carried out in fulfillment of the Participant's request. The Administrator shall not be obliged to provide such information only if it proves impossible to do so (e.g., the company has been liquidated) or if it will require disproportionate effort (the data was disclosed many years ago and despite attempts, it has not been possible to contact the recipient).
21 At the request of the Participant, the Administrator shall inform the Participant about the recipients whom the Administrator has informed about the rectification or deletion or restriction of the processing of the Participant's personal data, as well as about the recipients whom the Administrator has failed to notify.

(1) The Program shall continue indefinitely. The Organizer may suspend periodically or discontinue accepting further applications or issuing Loyalty Cards by publishing such decision on the website The Organizer has the right to terminate this Program after prior notification by posting information on the website:
(2) The Customer may resign from the Program by submitting a written statement of resignation
at the Czas na Tepa Store or by sending the statement to the Organizer's registered address.
(3) Participation in the Program shall also cease if the customer revokes his/her consent for the Organizer to process his/her personal data in accordance with pt. V of the Regulations.

(1) If the Program is not carried out in accordance with the Regulations, the client has the right to file a complaint.
(2) In order to streamline the process of notification and consideration, the complaint may be submitted in electronic form to: or in writing to: PROGRESSIVEsp z o.o., 5 Sosnowiecka Street, 52-008 Wrocław.
(3) The complainant should make his/her data visible in the content of the complaint, so that it is possible to contact him/her to inform about the outcome of the complaint procedure.
(4) The processing of the complaint shall last 30 days counted from the day of its receipt.
(5) The organizer will process the personal data of the complainant only in connection with the
connection with the complaint procedure, and after the completion of the complaint procedure, the personal data will be deleted.

(1) The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations. The amended Regulations will be made available both in Czas na Têbatê stores and on the website: The amended Regulations will not apply to the Loyalty Cards issued until the date of amending the Regulations, unless the changes will be in favor of the Customer. The changes will be effective from the time the changes are published on the website:
(2) Any matters not regulated by the Regulations shall be governed by generally applicable laws.
(3) The Regulations shall enter into force on 01.07.2018.