Bonus Program of PROGRESSIVE Internet Store


General provisions

These Regulations of Bonus Program (hereinafter referred to as "Program") of PROGRESSIVE Internet Store (hereinafter referred to as "Store"), determine scope and conditions of granting Program participants discounts for purchases made in PROGRESSIVE Internet Store operated by PROGRESSIVE Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław, ul. Sosnowiecka 5, NIP 8992984184, REGON 527610437.



A participant of the Program can be a natural or legal person who has previously registered as a Customer of the Store, using a form available at The procedure related to registration is free of charge.
By registering, the Customer confirms that he/she has read and accepts the provisions of these Regulations.


Rules of the Program

The system sums the value of subsequent orders, taking into account only the value of purchased products, without the value of delivery costs.
In order for the value of a subsequent order to be qualified for the discount program, the order must have the status "Sent" or "Received", and the amount due for the order must be paid and credited to the store's bank account.
Discounts are automatically taken into account when placing the next order after reaching the discount threshold.
In the shopping cart, the customer sees the price of the product after taking into account the value of the discount to which he is entitled.
The loyalty program does not function when using discount vouchers and does not apply to discounted products.

Order value

Discount granted

up to 500 zł - 0%

501- 1000 zł - 3%

above 1001 to 1500 - 5%

over 1500 - 8%

In order to check the value of the granted discount, please log in and enter the "My accumulative discounts" tab
If you have any questions, please send them to:


Final provisions

To the extent not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the following shall apply: Terms and Conditions of PROGRESSIVE Online Store, available at
website:, Regulations of the Online Store Bonus Program, available at
Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws 16, item 93, as amended), Act of July 18, 2002 on providing services by electronic means
electronic services (Dz. U. No. 144, item 1204 as amended), the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights
and on responsibility for damage caused by dangerous products (Journal of Laws No. 22, item 271 with changes),Act of August 29, 1997 on personal data protection (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883 with changes), other legal regulations in force in this respect.

Progressive reserves the right to change these Regulations, of which the Customers will be informed by e-mail.
Any disputes that may arise from participation in the Program will be settled by the common court.
Please send any comments or questions regarding the Program to or by phone at 661 886 969
(payment according to the price list of the relevant operator).